These Walls That We Climb Are Hard To Recognise
The harder we fell, the thicker the skin got. And we stayed. We've sunk far too deep into ourselves that to lose belief would be suicidal. We raised hopes and revealed our fears, only within our own walls, and no other's.
She might never understand nor love you and give a reason why. That is something difficult to figure out. But you've given up questioning. There isn't time for asking why anymore, anyway. And you gotta move on. Life's always gotta. However, keep her within reach. Im sure one day you'll be discovered and your efforts realised.
These battles against visible or faceless enemies have begun and will soon. We'll face the truth, indefinitely in the near future. We might fall, we might get help and in the end we might just win the war. But for now, it's us on the big chair...
Whatever happens, I get the feeling that we are gonna need each other. And i'll always look out for you. I promise.