Saturday, February 03, 2007


Time's a flash. Into the 5th year in the job. I ask for nothing much. Just good luck and prosperity in it. Ironically I say, may the force be with me.

The days of day to day blogging seem to have gone. And I am pretty much more occupied since I re-met and had feeza belle a.k.a Super Duper Peanut Butter Sandwich Making Woman. I am glad that I am seeing time better spent as compared to the previously all conquering championship manager game eating up my precious hours. Those days where I felt guilty for doing nothing worthy are uncommon now.

It wasn't all smooth sailing with her. The first few weeks, month(s) since getting acquainted were not what I'd call the honeymoon period. I guess it's only natural. Personality clash, conflict of ideas and interests were inevitable. It's funny how people would think or suggest that you'd go through the honeymoon stages first before the relationship starts to eat you up. I don't see it. Seemed like I got bitten first. As said, the early days weren't pretty. But then slowly you start to see changes and process. Characters blend, egos lose authority, tolerance rule and rules bend. And although there's still the occasional slip ups, you tend to relax a bit now, knowing that you'll work it out and overcome the barriers eventually. The past couple of months have been good. Things have settle in well and we're doing fine. I would say this is the closest and most comfortable I've ever felt with anyone. Feeling is stronger than ever. The seemingly telephatic understanding, the chemistry between us is just amazing.

We're not moving too fast nor are we slowing down. Well said. Im so happy cos you're so happy.

Big sister has been busy at home lately. It appears that she has been spending good time herself. Blogging and experimenting in the kitchen etc. with the latter meaning only one thing, delicacies!! Her latest masterpiece, brownies! It's devilishly chocolaty! A must taste for chocolate suckers.

Warning. Indulge at your own risk.

