Hopes, Expectations, Black Holes And Revelations...
It's been a solid month of discovery in the relationship. And it's made me more aware of the person I am. Things in me that have been hiding in exile. The good, bad, beautiful and ugly. And slowly but surely, Im discovering the good, bad, beautiful and ugly of my belle. (her name's Feeza btw. ssSHhh!!) I'd only like to think that we compliment each other in our angelic and devilish minds.
The other day I was at the beach with belle for dinner. She'd cooked for me for the first time incidently. For me and for her resume. I don't think cooking maggy noodles or rice ketchups counts, so... Dish of the day? Mutton curry. To be honest, I hadn't thought much of how she'd fare. One reason was due to the fact that I (we were) was hungry and stomach was killing me. The other being that she must have felt confident enough to cook the dish and so I'd trusted her (with my stomach).
It tasted good and I liked it! Meat was tender enough to my liking and the gravy was surprisingly spicy good. I had thought she would have gone safe with non spicy curry cos adding and mixing spices can get tricky, at least I'd like to think so. In all a commendable effort. Job well done.
Then later as we were walking by the beach, we saw the moon. Nothing strange about it. But something else was enchanting. There was this mammoth loop like thing perfectly circled around the moon, just like one of the planets which has a loop. (saturn? pluto? jupiter? jupiter is no longer considered a planet is it???). Anyway it appeared more like a space-ish presence than a solid object. It's like the moon was being eclipsed by something invincible and huge. Looking up to the skies in awe, (read gaping mouths) we probably looked like idiots in the eyes of others (not that we care anyway) who'd until then not thought much of sticking their necks out and up, probably thinking all that was being offered was the common sight of the moon, stars and empty space. What a miss! There and then, Im pretty sure nobody else had witnessed that strange image apart from us. I don't think I'll ever be able to explain it and Im almost certain it was definitely not of this world. But whatever it was, Im just glad we had a chance to see something rare and spectacular. You had to see it to understand what I mean. The truth is out there...(?) God Almighty.
With our butts on smooth sand (thankfully!) as I wrapped her in my arms, we sat by the sea. And so there it was. The soft rumblings of the waves and scented sea breeaze, cool whispers of the wind, and guest starring the halo around the moon assisted by trusted props; stars and the moon itself, we had seen a very spectacular musical play. Never mind the candle lights. Never mind the love songs. I knew I'd experienced the most romantic moment I've ever had then. blush blush blush...
The 2 of us. It was lovely.