Tuesday, August 01, 2006

People Have The Right To Fly

Part 1.

1st August 2006. I'll remember this day.

For I realised something today. About control. How essential it is to have in almost everything that we do. You see you might not realise it (yet), but control seems to be something that we're all empowered with. It is only the amount of application that defines the difference. Between being one or the other. We choose the settings.

Crowd. Greed. Temper. Ball. Traffic. Animals. Emotions. Mind. Power. Machines. Money. Speed. Birth. Game. Army. You. Me. (Me+You=)Lust.

Now, do I make any sense at all? As complicated (kookoo?) as it seems, it's in fact all plain and simple. It's just me. I like to complicate things. Soon...

Control. I just felt how important it was for me to have it today. And I think I can and will master it. Sure I'll be good at it. Just give it time.

I'll be around the bend.

Part 2.

If I was gay, I'd be a cute short one? Something's not right. I'd be a cute charming gay. Hmmm that's better.

I saw the video...Squamies?? What in the name of...! *gasps* ...My friends are crazy. But I guess that's why they are what they are to me. Somehow crazy people just interests me... Entices me. Still tho', it's kinda kewl thing what they did. I want one too... sing, sing sing to me people!!!

Past few days, I've been spending more time being out. And I like that Im doing it instead of staying home, locked in the room. That's just recipe for depression. Not that being out takes me away completely, just that it does seem to help. Keep it rolling now.

And oh, don't watch Lady In The Water!!! If you still have to, kill yourself.


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