Tuesday, April 11, 2006

We Always Seem To Need The Help Of Someone Else To Mend That Shelf


Just got a call from Lucy the other night. Trip to phuket has been called off. And to add salt to injury, yesterday she called and said that we were going afterall. I didn't think things will change again then but it did.. Only a couple of hours back, received news that it's postphoned. Al's mum is down with stroke. With the seriousness of it all, I definitely think the trip is off or let's say postphoned just to soften the blow. Hope the situation with Al's mum isn't serious and that she'll have a steady recovery.

Im really bumped. Don't have the slightest of ideas where to go or what to do now. Hate to be thinking that Im gonna be slaving away for the rest of the year.

If I were to be positive about it, perhaps now I can start saving for that new camera. Sya's friend had mentioned about letting her 'Lomo' type of camera [I think] go at a bargain $200-$300...so Sya claimed. And I have been doing some mini researching of cameras recently. What can I say, guess 'it's gotten me. I don't see any other cameras that has got me smitten as much as Casio's Exilim has. Damn that Zamry! The new EX Zoom and Card series are so delicious. Most expensive comes in around the region of $799. That's hefty. But you never know. I can be crazily impulsive sometimes, to fall over something and stop at nothing to get it.

But then again, there's never been the guarantee you'll get the things you want. Even when it seems that the deal's sealed and done, you tend to get thrown off course every once in a while. And when that happens, you begin to wonder if it's for the best, that better things will come your way or simply, you had your chance and you blew it. Im in the matter now. I can't tell if it's done and dusted or if it works in cycles, but with the latter at least I'd be glad knowing that time is on my side. Knowing me, I just hope that history won't repeat itself. Growing more distant and soon forgetting everything about whatever it was. Sometimes I wonder if Im at odds with fate or life's best parts of things.

Like a crack in a wall; starting small and grow in time

Sya's left for KL yesterday night. I wished I could have gone with her. But then again I guess it would have been a little awkward with her friends around. And that is the reason why of late I've been hoping to crack the 'sister's friends' market. Haha.. For some strange reasons, I feel that things around home is gonna be quieter these couple of days when Sya's gone. The lively loud person she is..



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