Sunday, March 11, 2007


It's funny how I always want to start off an entry by writing about how time passes on so quickly... Ya da ya da ya da... But yeah I guess its customary that we all reflect on time itself as the benchmark of what we've done and how much and far we've 'travelled' in life and how much closer we are to death. I'd like to think that I've got a long long queue ahead of me before I reach the end. I wish, cos there's still so much out there for me, for us. I only hope that by the time Mr Grim Reaper comes a calling, I'd had have enough of everything and gladly surrender my heart and soul to him. Then I'll have a nice cup of coffee and brownies with God and tell him all the nice things I had back on mortal world. Not that he wouldn't know by then.

We're all leading our own lives now, facing individual challenges day to day. Agendas of our own. I must say, I truly miss the old good times when we were young. Friends were the rage back then. Often, I only thought of having their company. Sure, there's still those times when we'll get together for a reunion of sorts. But they pail in comparison to the past. Happenings seem to take place only yesterday and I remember, only that they are memories now.

As sad as it sounds, its only inevitable we move on and meet new people. Friends and enemies and lovers they became and will become.

I've been my own island through the late teen years. I'd never fancied sharing time with anyone more than I can spent on my own. Read it. Im a selfish person and Im not gonna go into denial mode anymore for the fake good reputation. Out damned spot! Now I've perhaps changed just as things around have evolved. And this is all new to me. Just as is being in a relationship. Perhaps coinciding. Perhaps timely enough cos honestly I don't know if I'd have ever gotten out of my own shell, out of unproclaimed loneliness and discover the real crazy world.


The way you are, direct confident swagger and all is unlike any I've encountered. Your arrogance is in abundance but luckily not too much for my liking. A trait that strangely attracts me. I've never been exposed out of my weaknesses by anyone this much. Not even mum or dad or anyone from the family could penetrate this once thought formidable armour of mine. Either one or both of you care too much about me to do this!

We have our silly fights and petty arguments. You may not be perfect, just as is me, just as is everyone else but the ultimate importance is that I've never felt happier with anyone and this is the best thing that's ever happen to me. Thank you for making me feel important. Friend and lover. I cherish you.


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