Sunday, August 19, 2007

No Alarms And No Surprises... Please

Nothing is impossible.

It's a simple formula. You work your ass off, you get your rewards. No 2 ways about that. Except if you are good at ego and ball handling or you just lead a charmed life. I'm no good with either. Of cos selling your ass would be the simplest option of all. Only that you wouldn't necessarily like what you've done in the end.

I was ignorant of things around me but my naive ignorance of life has been shaken. My eyes are opened if slightly and slowly to things that are happening and those waiting to shape. And yet there is still a part of me that's being stubborn, trying to put up a resistance. I know I will eventually lose. Time will catch up and I will have to bow to it's order and system. As I've mentioned time and time again, I'm scared of the unknown.

I've only wanted to be safe, putting my feet on solid ground with each single step. And by trying to be safe, I became dangerously lost in a reel world where dreams were wrapped in dreams. Taking a step back felt a more sensible thing to do than forward into the jungle. Simplicity was the order. Being problematic a capital offence. I wouldn't say being simple isn't any good, it has done me well. But being cautious robs you of goals and ambitions. And that has been a disadvantage. There will come a time where I will have to take the plunge. Everything will come at high speed, and I have to be ready at least in certain measures.

Maybe, I will never change at home. I'll always be slacking and lazing around and couch potato-ing. I'm really sorry to mum and dad I'm not any efficient but 1 thing they should know is that I'll always be a good son. In terms of relationships, work and responsibilities with Him, I feel I could work on. If time's enough, I will surely. God permits.

Nothing stood in my way. Nobody was/is stopping me. So I'm wondering the fuck why I never really lived.

Tinkerbella, as was your namesake the first time we crossed paths, my confidant. Thank you for believing and loving me. May your comfort guide and carry me through all. The good times and the bad times that we'll have.. (Ring a bell?)

2 + 2 = 5

I was told nothing is impossible. I knew that. But this time, I hope I think I know I believe.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'll always be there.. always ;-)
Love u toooooooo....

Monday, 03 September, 2007  

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