Wednesday, October 12, 2005

I Feel So Uninspired

Oct 13 05 - 1.37am
Radio = Big Runga - Sway

Perhaps it's in me.. Maybe I should have been a writer instead..

Haven't really been in the pinkest of health lately... Hmm pinkest.. How often do u see the word..Pinkest. Pink. Can't make of what I feel about the colour..I think it turns me off. I think. Sorry pink lovers.. Maybe turn off is too strong a word. Let's put it as irk.. Ya I think that's it. Irk. I remember that whenever I have to hold something that is pink..e.g umbrella..that's often.. I get irked. Don't ask's just natural I guess. To even be putting on something pink..forget it. I'll never wear the colour. Hell no. Not in this lifetime. Not ever... Ay what the f***? This wasn't what I was gonna write about.

As I was saying, have been falling sick past few days too easily for my liking. This is strange. Not saying that I don't get sick ever but it's seldom that I do. Been having sore throat and fever. The latter's gone. Luckily. Combination of those two is sick-ening. This sore throat is proving more of an unlikely challenge. The thick phlegm and all..urgh. It's been what 3 days? Only now its showing some respite towards recovery. Hopefully that continues.. It's irritating when you're talking and suddenly losing your voice. Only consolation I think with the grainy husky voice, it sounds sexy sometimes. Hahaha. But I want my sweet voice back!

Everything is unchanged. Im still waiting for the driving licence that was promised 3 years ago. "You'll be given a driving licence once you sign with force alrite...bla bla bla bla bla.." It's ok...I can wait.. take your time.. F***!!!! Think once I have horizons will be opened. I'll go anywhere whenever I wanna..arr dats the life kimy. I'll never be late.. Maybe not as often as it used to. So suck at planning time. I need a time planner. No more relying on public transports. No more standing in crowded buses/ MRT trains. Im tired of those. And save me from those body odours pls! Plus taxis are a f***ing waste of my money. So.. Well... haven't been doing anything new that I can brag about. Work's getting old. Im stressed. Need a break. Looking forward to going on a holiday soon..maybe in a month's time? Or december perhaps.. Don't care where..anywhere but here! Basically I need a getaway. Hmm I might need a travel guide...


Been trying to add audio to friendster and blog.. how the hell do I do it???? All I get in the search internet are video codes. Understand you gotta take the URL and paste it into the profile. But how do u get the f***ing URL in the first place!!?? I need help man.. I play nice music..such a waste of talent.

Hmm still no luck in finding that elusive songbird..Maybe I'll need to go out more often. Where to? Chinatown? Little India? Geylang? Town? At least Hugh Grant had a hunt place to go to in About A Boy - SPAT. "Single parents alone together.. All for one and one for all.. Woooo!!" Hahaha..
Hmmm or is she already there waiting??? Shit here I go again..

Where are thou?? Sway my way...


13 Oct 05 - 2.43am


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